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Books on Lord Vishnu

There are many ancient books celebrating the divine personality of Lord Vishnu. Primary amongst them is of course the Vishnu Purana, a highly lucid and instructive text. Another scripture of note is the Vishnu Sahasaranama, a part of the Mahabharata. It contains the thousand names of Lord Vishnu, rendered in metered rhythmic verses which when chanted not only give rise to a divine melody, but also have the power to diminish our suffering and fulfill our wishes. Each of Vishnu’s thousand names is mysterious, powerful and loaded with spiritual symbolism. Many commentaries have been written to explain the text; the most prominent being the one by Adi Shankaracharya.

Since Lord Vishnu is the savior, there are also a number of hymns, poems etc. addressed to Him by His loving devotees. You can buy many of these hymns and stotras from this collection. Secondary and modern literature on Lord Vishnu includes descriptions of His ten incarnations, iconographic studies on Lord Vishnu and His temples, books explaining the theology of Vishnu and biographies of His devotees. Here you will find a vast selection of books pertaining to Lord Vishnu, which you can buy online.